7 thoughts on “CASA-Northrop SF-5B: Fiesta Nacional.

  1. ‘En la fiesta nacional, yo me quedo en la cama igual, que la música militar nunca me supo levantar, y es que en este mundo el mayor pecado es el no seguir al abanderado…’
    Georges Brassens, ‘La mala reputación’
    -‘In the national day, I stay in bed same, army music never could make me rise. In this World, the worse sin, is not following the Flag man’

  2. I’m told we are not allowed to celebrate “Discovery Day” any more. The “June Holiday”, previously known as Discovery Day, is celebrated in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador on the nearest Monday to June 24. The Province says
    Discovery Day is no longer a statutory holiday in Newfoundland and Labrador since the indigenous people were here long before Giovanni Caboto’s (also known as John Cabot) “discovery” of the Province’s island portion. However, it’s recognized in collective agreements, similar to the observances of St. Patrick’s Day, St. George’s Day, and (surprisingly) Orangemen’s Day.

    • I will wish you a happy Vinland Day! Better then that usurper old Chris, who never even set foot on our mainland, and insisted to his dyeing days, he had landed in the East Indies!

  3. Oh, I love the picture of the Spanish F-5. It is still the most beautiful aircraft of all time in my opinion. (Possible exception – certain Fairey Delta copies in France).

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