Couzinet Type 101: “Petit Arc-en-Ciel”.

The charming 100/101/103 were the last of Couzinet‘s Arc-en-Ciel designs produced. All three were conceived as luxury tourism aircraft which seated a pilot and just two passengers. Basically the same airframe, with different engines: the the Type 100 had 45hp Salmson 9ADb radials, Type 101 switched to British 85hp Pobjoy R engines driving cute four-bladed propellers. Of the 60hp Salmson 9ADr Type 103 little is known. First flown a few months after the Type 100, in Nov. 1933, the Type 101 was the only of three “Little Rainbows” to be registered (F-AMTJ). Sadly, not the best of times to introduce such an expensive aeroplane. It found no customers, until the Spanish bloody 1936 came to the rescue. The poor thing followed one of the unusual routes to finish its life quite anonymously flown by the Republicans.

Photo taken just before its trace was lost in Spain. Such a graceful bird, definitely not a warbird.

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